Saturday, July 16, 2011

Of frivolity and fundamentality

Let me start this off with a few scenarios

A person spending more on clothes rather than books.
A company investing more in advertisements than improvements on a good.
A wedding planned so furiously to make it grander than the other counsin's wedding while all the couple need is each other after the ceremony.

I did not imply that a bit of frills and trills every now and then is BAD, nor it is malicious till we need to stay away from it.

Did anyone notice how simplicity seem to bring out the very core of an action, an event, and every story to happen? I have not the wisdom yet to do so.

But one thing I do notice is that...the people
more and more people are give more attention to what is outside rather than what is inside.
Just look at the amount of people trying so hard to look nice
to dress up
and tonnes of make up on their faces
while forgetting that what pleases someone is not how you look, but what you are.

See those advertisements around us!
How many of them tell the truth? Yes, but how much of the truth?

Look at the effort lecturers put on the slides! I begin to see more and more animation PLUS cartoons, and is there a giraffee in the economics lecture slides?

Weddings are weddings, and now we have wedding planners too? oh and they are paid? for some lavish stuff? Haha yeah some people just want to enjoy the wealth they earned or they had born with. Look at the royal wedding, and how much more people yearn to have this kind of wedding. Some even wed for the sake of some lavish weddings and a lifelong opportunity to spend without having to think twice seeing that their prospective spounses are rich, or maybe they can file up a divorce or something.........
And yet the most important thing about a wedding is the tying up of two individuals.
Yes I do agree appearance do more that what it should at times, and people appreciate you when you look nicer, when things look nicer, when presentations are more graphical...

But somehow I think most efforts are wasted on it. Sad to say, I can't help but to do the same thing, maybe not that much effort, but still.

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