Saturday, November 6, 2010

smart and stupid?

if someone says "YOU'RE SMART"
smile, thank him and walk away
and think
who's the smart one? you? him? or both??

if someone says "YOU'RE STUPID"
smile, thank him and walk away too
and think
who's the stupid one? you? him? or both?


how i wish answers come as easy as reading nursery rhymes.
lucky for us, we have something between our ears : the brain.

and this reminds me i have to start using it, and do a lot of THINKING....

high time i you need some exercise now, oh brainy...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Does color really matters?

Your hair's black, your eyes are blue, your nose is super flat and big

Does that really matters?

You like mutton curry, hate belacan (no Malaysian would hate far as I'm concern) and another only eats salads for dinner

Does that really matters?

You only go for church services on Sundays, you burn incenses before altars, and another believes in no one but himself or herself

Does that really matters?

From young, our generation had been constantly hammered with an understanding that we are always superior over another. We learnt how to discriminate, prejudge, misunderstand, and fight for our rights. We identify differences swiftly, in fact with a speed faster than anyone else. Those differences are thought to have drifted us apart, carrying us away and away from each other, creating chaos.

Come to think about it, how about uniforming the whole country? Have one belief, one religion, and the same political view?
We will not be Malaysians.

Malaysia is cherished for her diversities, her uniqueness in creating a harmonious country regardless of different races living together. Our fore fathers bonded us together before gaining independence. Be it Chinese, Malays, Indians, Baba Nyonyas, we were one.

And it occurs to me that, we can be united again.

Differences are not intended to separate, to alienate. We are different precisely in order to realize our need of each other. Without differences, there would not be variations. Imagine a dull scene with only the same kind of people wearing the same kind of clothes, speaking only from one perspective. 
Dull, indeed. Monotonous and boring, if you asked me.

An eye for an eye make the whole world blind, so why don't we remove the glasses we wear to differentiate others, stop comparing and start loving more?

And... stop asking for our races when we're ticking forms. We're Malaysians, you dummy isn't that obvious?
Happy Malaysia Day, from a Malaysian

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

mah ownn prob. at the age of 17

i haft onee probblemm
thhat is

procastinatin',peeps, proccastinatin'

sighh. hhate it off curse... but still... welll... look at FUNNAY FOONG'S and LI YI'S blogg

thatt's kinda.... an honour. HMMM

Sunday, May 2, 2010

the story of a fool.

battles are not always won.
everyday is an uphill battle for everyone. and it is not easy battling. the preparation. the Armour. the spears and swords.
but why battle? asked an ordinary pleasant to a soldier.
you know you'll lose your life anytime.
whenever there's victory, it isn't all yours. people are rejoicing your victory while you are preparing for your next battle.
whenever there's a defeat, you are the one to be blamed.
why? shouldn't we fill our life with pleasant and happy memories? living the fullest out of life? enjoying every second of it while you can?
you're a fool. literarily. nobody wants to take risks and serve. not anymore. c'mon, be a sober. no one cares what you do.

the soldier replied :
although battles are tough, it makes me a stronger person. an temporary defeat is stronger than an evil triumph.
the difference between both of us is : I'm the one who's willing to take the risk, prepared to lose my life, than to sit at home doing nothing watching the sun and moon, watching the days passing by. idling.
i trained myself to be disciplined.
victory isn't mine. i don't need to be a claimed hero by all.
blamed by others doesn't matter for me, but the worst thing is I start blaming myself.
embracing myself with troubles than enjoying life? thats what it makes for me to stand up among the others.

oh ya, what inspire me to do what i do now, they're my family. I love them. they are the force that push me to achieve more. to do what others dreaded. they're the voices in my head that says "C'MON!! I BELIEVE IN YOU!"

so its quite pathetic for you without any family support.
thats why you're only running away when enemies are near, while i'm having all the faith i have to face them .

Old Diaries. What a Nostalgia.

well i was bored after doing some spring cleaning
though its quite close to summer now.
btw we dont have four seasons in Msia. I call it spring cleaning cos this's the 1st time i clear (almost) all rubbish on my desk. HAVE TO. need to create a conductive environment for me to study.
exam's near, HELLO.

ok, so back to my diary. OLD DIARY. when i was bout 13 to 14 years to.
{  MAAAN. look at my handwriting! look at my grammar!! What's that?? oh my i was so childish!!!  }

the point is, I suddenly realized I've grown so much. I havent written diaries for one year, when i was 15.
maybe this is what make life wonderful. looking back and seeing all the mistakes you've made, learnt from it, bouncing back, getting up.
all the good old stories are now history. and whether it repeats or not, it depends on us. O, what a life!!

i think i should keep track on what i do everyday from now. maybe after years and years later, when i read back all my scribblings i'll realized that what i've gone through is another learning process and I've grown up, a whole lot.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

1st post in 2010

i dont really know what to espress here.
"kebebasan bersuara"
ain't here.

i certainly
1.prefer diaries than blog
2.prefer ink than keyboards
3.prefer talking talking talking then typing typing typing
4.prefer not to express what i wanna say in blogs. refer to no.1
5.prefer to sleep than blogging
6.prefer to keep pictures i took in desktop than uploading it
7.prefer not to take any photos at all
8.prefer studying to finish my pesky homework and assignments first
9.prefer tokeep a low profile on what i do
10.prefer doing my own stuff than being commented.

thank you diary. bye bye bloggie. maybe we'll meet again someday.
oh well. maybe.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

a round-up of what i did durin' the hols

the ORIGINAL plan :

50% studying
30% camps and stuff
10% shopping and hanging out with UNCLES AUNTIES
5% gym
5% sleeping


50% camps and stuff
40% sleeping
5% gym (the ONLY succeeded original plan)
5% shopping and hanging out
0% studying

what a planner. what a doer. what a holiday. Break.

goodbye 2009.
hello SPM  my last school year.